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Social distancing signage

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Covid 19 'Keep Your Distance' message - Floor stickers

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding the reopening of non-essential shops from June 15th, there’s a wave of optimism for the economy. However, this positive step towards normalcy needs to be balanced with continued vigilance against Covid-19. As a shop owner, ensuring the safety of your staff and customers remains paramount. Here’s how social distancing signage can play a crucial role in your reopening strategy.

Prioritising Public Health

The NHS has bravely fought the Covid-19 pandemic, and protecting its resources is an ongoing priority. By implementing social distancing measures in your shop, you contribute to safeguarding the NHS from becoming overburdened. Social distancing signage serves as a visual reminder for both customers and staff, encouraging responsible behaviour and reducing the risk of infection.

Social Distancing Signage

Effective communication is key to a smooth and safe reopening. Social distancing signage provides a clear and consistent message to all who enter your shop.

Here’s how different signage options can be utilised:

  • Floor Stickers: Guide customers on maintaining a safe distance while queuing or browsing your products. Floor stickers are particularly effective for high-traffic areas like entrances, checkouts, and changing rooms.
  • Sneeze Guards: Protect both staff and customers by installing sneeze guards at checkout counters and other points of interaction. These physical barriers further minimise the risk of transmission.
  • Posters and A-Boards: Clearly communicate your social distancing policies and hygiene protocols with prominent posters and A-boards. You can display them at entrances, exits, and strategic locations throughout your shop.
  • Banners: Take advantage of reopening to announce your return with eye-catching banners. Combine reopening announcements with reminders about social distancing and hygiene measures to reinforce your commitment to public health.
  • Beyond Safety: Fostering Customer Confidence

Signage isn’t just about enforcing rules; it’s about building trust and confidence. By prioritising social distancing measures and clearly communicating them through signage, you assure your customers that you value their safety and well-being. This can foster a positive shopping experience and encourage repeat business.

Free Design Consultations

Navigating the reopening process can be challenging. We understand the need for effective signage solutions tailored to your specific needs. That’s why we offer free design consultations to help you create clear and impactful social distancing signage. Our experienced design team will work with you to ensure your message is effectively communicated, promoting both safety and brand awareness.

Together We Can Reopen Safely

By working together and prioritising the safety of everyone involved, shops can contribute to a safe and successful reopening. Social distancing signage serves as a powerful tool in this endeavour. By implementing effective signage solutions and adhering to government guidelines, we can all play a vital role in protecting the NHS and ensuring a smooth transition back to normalcy.

Let’s Reopen Your Shop Safely and Confidently

Contact us today at 01257 241222 to learn more about our wide range of social distancing signage options and schedule your free design consultation. Together, we can navigate the reopening process and ensure a safe and successful return for your business.

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